Lyn has been working in education for 43 years, as secondary teacher, an Adult Literacy & Numeracy Teacher, and now a manager of a range of TAFE programs targeting foundation skills for employment. From the beginning of her working career, Lyn witnessed the overwhelming educational barriers experienced by Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people and in particular, the long-term impact of poor reading writing and numeracy skills. Her focus is now on developing relationships with employers who will support better pathways to careers for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people.
Lyn’s mother, Hazel Wilson, was a co-founder of the Aboriginal Children’s Advancement Society. Lyn was 12 years old when Kirinari Hostel opened at Sylvania accompanying her mother to the Opening Ceremony. From those early days she gained a strong understanding of the level of inequality between her own educational experiences and opportunities and Aboriginal children her own age. This continues to be the driver of Lyn’s participation on the ACAS Board.