Barinhung* a Dharawal word meaning “the day after tomorrow“.
Purpose and vision of the project
This project will initially aim to facilitate and support young First Nations people from Endeavour Sports High School to transition from secondary school to either further education or employment. The young people to be involved in the program will be identified by the Clontarf Foundation. After the completion and evaluation of the pilot program (late 2023) the program will be assessed for its suitability for more extensive implementation.
Target group of the project
The target group of the project is young First Nations people from the Sutherland Shire.
Scope of the project
The components of the program are:
- Housing
- The project will aim to secure affordable accommodation for the young people. It was noted that a standard weekly rental rate across the sector for this type of accommodation is 25% of the tenant’s weekly income up to market value rental.
- Open Door Youth Tenancy Services will provide case management and support for the young people in tenancy as per their usual practice. This support would occur leading up to and during the tenancy. (i.e., final year of school and first year of tenancy) and will include:
- Advocacy where required (e.g. with Centrelink);
- Linkage with other support services where required (e.g. Headspace)
- Living skills training where required (e.g. budgeting, cooking, cleaning, co-tenanting).
- Pathways to tertiary education
- For those who required it, guidance and mentoring will be provided to participants during their final year at school in relation to choices and decisions pertaining to tertiary education at university and/or TAFE. The university advice will be provided by an NRL education officer, who is already providing this service to Endeavour High School. The TAFE component will be delivered by members of the Aboriginal Engagement Team from the Sydney Institute of TAFE.
- Pathways to employment
- For those who required it, guidance and mentoring will be provided to participants during their final year at school in relation to choices and decisions pertaining future employment. This component will be delivered by a team consisting of the Clontarf Foundation Employment officer, the local Transition to Work team and the Aboriginal Engagement team from the Sydney Institute of TAFE
- Mental health and wellbeing awareness
- Education relating to mental health and wellbeing awareness and management to be delivered by The Recovery & Wellbeing College (South Eastern Sydney Local Area Health Service).
- Driver’s license
- This component is provided through the DriveTime program, delivered by Gymea Community Aid & Information Service.
Project team associates
- Aboriginal Children’s Advancement Society;
- Kirinari Hostel -Aboriginal Hostels Ltd;
- Open Door Youth Housing Support Service
- The Aboriginal Housing Office NSW
- 2Connect, Youth & Community (Transition to Work);
- Sydney Institute of TAFE;
- The Clontarf Foundation;
- The Electorate Office of the Hon. Scott Morrison MP;
- Gymea Community Aid & Information Service.